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Paperwings Collection is launched

Written by Sarah Garrett-Hodoniczky


Posted on November 15 2022

The past couple of weeks have been crazy busy and I didn’t get to write a new journal entry, so here’s an update as not everyone follows along on Instagram.

The launch of ‘Paperwings’ was celebrated with our 2 day Pop Up event 29+30 October. Both Lesley Kendall (the artist who I collaborated with) and I were there to chat to everyone and show the paper sculpture artwork that our paperwings print was created from. Below is the wall we set up to show the process. The actual paper Richmond Birdwing Butterfly sculptures that were photographed and then used to create the digital print. The silk scarves featuring the print were hung below. We printed out some images from the photoshoot to show the cotton garments being worn, plus we had a selection of the 'moth boxes' Les had created from her imagination to sell at this event. 

One Body Studio (my beloved local pilates place) was the space we hired and was perfect to create an Art & Fashion event as it’s just down the road from both Les and I. So it wasn't far to travel and it was nice and open with lots of natural light. We had a speedy set up (one hour) after the morning Yoga class and were ready to open at midday. 

The changing rooms had a new front curtain which matched the silk scarves. This came about because the the silk had been misprinted, far too dark and you lost all the detail. In fact it actually looked better on the reverse side of the fabric. They reprinted it for us so I decided to upcycle the faulty fabric into curtains using the reverse side out. It felt really nice to move the silk aside to enter the generously sized changing rooms.

Below are some pics from the Pop Up, the first one shows the new styles on the rack in front of the art wall and the last one shows Les's table with more 'moth boxes', some watercolour paintings and cards.

Thanks to everyone who came along, it was great to see people 'face to face' especially after the past 3 years. We plan to do Pop Up events a couple of times a year. We will give lots of notice before future events in case interstate people can coordinate with holidays or business in Brisbane at the same time. We were lucky enough to have a couple of interstate people here for this one, good timing. 

The 'Paperwings' collection is now available online and we have cut a few more pieces which are being made over the next couple of weeks. If your size is currently sold out, you can email or call us to see if there will be one available. This collection is very limited, we only made 2 or 3 of each size to start with and the recuts were mostly what people pre-ordered. Creating collections this way is the most sustainable way as we are only producing what's needed, however it is a little labour heavy as we are hand cutting small amounts rather than bulk. But it reminded me of when we first started nearly 20 years ago, cutting it all in house, creating things from collected fabrics and doing mini ranges. 

And we have the cute Ponchino knit available to match this collection too. The ebony one is shown above and the forest green below. These images are the ones we used for the catalogue on the RANT clothing website.

If you ever want to ask us something, request a past style or have a suggestion about something you're looking for, don't hesitate to contact us because we love customer feedback and like to know which are your favourite pieces. I often add styles to collections because customers have asked when we are doing them again as their favourite one is worn out. I can't promise we will do it again but chances are we will if a few people are also after the same thing. 

Thanks for reading and thanks for your support.





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